Wednesday, June 1, 2011

What I Expect From The Sarah Palin "Exploratory Bus Tour"

This is the Beatles Magical Mystery Tour Redux. We are gonna get on the bus and see where it takes us, and where we take it. Freely travel the nation speaking about America with Americans. We will get the pulse of the nation without the hindrence of the MSM partisan misreporting. The following bullet items are my expectations of Sarah's tour.

  • travel the country promoting and show casing what Americans should be proud of
  • travel the country meeting Americans from different states and different backgrounds and find out what their issues and problems are. Get a sense for the level of support.
  • travel the country speaking about pride in America and let Americans know where she stands on the issues.
  • travel in a manner that the Sarah Palin Bus Tour will be creating the narrative of what she is doing and where she is going, instead of the MSM controlling that narrative. Avoid any interviews with the MSM. They treat Sarah like dirt, and then they want an interview. We don't need no stinkin' MSM interviews. Real Americans can interview Sarah when they meet her. Sarah can just ignore the MSM.
  • For the MSM, do not provide a schedule of cities and dates for the Bus Tour. This means the MSM will constantly be playing catchup to what is really going on. It's going to be hard for MSM to follow her in their cars everywhere.
  • She has already said she has "the fire" in her belly, but has not formally threw he hat in the ring. Plenty of time to decide, maybe at the end of the Bus Tour when she's comfortable with her feel for the American people.
  • By not announcing she's running she makes MSM have to choose where their resources go. To those that have already announced they are running or for someone that has not announced.
  • Remember the shorter the time the MSM has to attack and insult you, the better off your image will be. No reason to make anything easy for the MSM. Let them chase the bus if they want. When Sarah gets to the next stop she'll communicate directly with the people. The MSM is no longer the middle man.
  • if she is doing what I suspect she is doing, the MSM will get what they deserve. A Palin snub.
  • this exploratory bus tour is much better than an exploratory committee that sits in an office and guesses the support available. Sarah is going directly to the people for one on one interaction. She will sense and understand her support much better with personal interaction.