Sunday, June 26, 2011

Wallace Asks Bachmann: 'Are You a Flake?'

Chris Wallace should be ashamed of himself.

So you're asking Michele Bachmann if she is a flake. A flake is "a crazy or eccentric person". So the liberal progressive MSM keeps calling Michele Bachmann names and your journalistic experience tells you to ask her if she is a flake. Just asking her that question is an insult because everyone knows the people that call her those names have no basis in fact. You give the name callers undeserved credibility. They are just name calling. If the MSM said she beats her husband, would you ask her if she is still beating her husband? Asking her if she is a flake is just dumb. Do you think she is going to say "yes I am a flake"? Of course not.

You're suppose to be a professional top-notch journalist. You're supposed to separate the important issues from this juvenile name calling nonsense and ask substantive questions about policy, direction, strengths, weaknesses, agenda, values, and beliefs. A substantive question tells you a lot more about a candidate than a stupid nonsense name calling question.

Because the MSM cannot win an argument on the issues, their positions are indefensible, they resort to calling conservatives names that are not based in any facts. Stupid, ignorant, crazy, flake, moron, and idiot are some of the common baseless names. Then the name calling is repeated in the MSM echo chamber and before you know it people assume it's true. It's a juvenile plan but unfortunately it still seems to work with some misinformed voters.
