Saturday, June 18, 2011

Romney Rejects Pro-life "Pledge" as Flawed, Romney The RINO, supports global warming, supports Obamacare, does not support pro-Life pledge

Romney will never be elected with these unsupportable positions on major issues. He is a classic RINO trying to balance between the left and the right hoping for votes from both groups. He has been endorsed by Al Gore and CAIR? These are not supporters of conservative policies. It is the wrong philosophy that sits in the middle, which means it's not a firm political policy at all, but rather a fall back compromise position of the weak willed. He will go down to defeat just like John McCann another RINO.

The only candidates for president and vice president that will win the day and get maximum support from the Tea Party and the GOP are real fiscal and social conservatives. The country needs real fiscal and social conservatives to attack many of it's problems.