Monday, June 20, 2011

RINO List, Don't Re-elect These Non-Republicans

I wish that RINO's John McCain, Lindsay Graham, Susan Collins, Olympia Snowe, Lamar Alexander, Dick Lugar, Mary Bono, George Voinovich, Lisa Murkowski, Mel Martinez, Robert Bennett, Scott Brown, and Thad Cochran would all leave the Republican party and become Democrats like their voting history and public statements indicate. They are certainly not moderate or conservative Republicans. When these RINOS speak they should be ignored the same as Democrats. None are credible Republicans. They should all follow the path of Arlen Spectre and disappear into the semantic fog of liberal progressives.


Scott Brown

Thad Cochran

Robert Bennett

Mel Martinez

Lisa Murkowski

George Voinivich

Mary Bono

Dick Lugar

Lamar Alexander

Susan Collins

Lindsay Graham


John McCain

Olympia Snowe