Thursday, June 2, 2011

Red Herring Alert: Union Enthusiasm for Obama Re-election Fades

This is a Red Herring or false report to confuse the voters and make the voters, who are angry with the public unions, think that Obama and the unions are not close.  Obama and the unions could not be closer. Obama has been the president of the public and private unions and virtually every labor decision Obama has made, has benefited the unions more than the working taxpayer. Obama's presidency has shown him to be more of union boss then a president of the majority of Americans.

These reports are designed to put distance between Obama and the unions, because the American taxpayer is sick and tired of special treatment for unions and union members. Unions have been given excessive compensation, excessive retirement benefits, and excessive health care  mostly paid by the hardworking American taxpayer, and yet they constantly complain they are not being treated as well as they should be. Well they're already treated better than everyone else and they still want more.

Don't be fooled by these reports. Obama has been one of the strongest supporters of unions in the history of American presidents. This is Obama positioning himself for his re-election campaign. Leopards don't change their spots, and Obama doesn't change his support for unions.

Do not believe this report! You are just being manipulated by a narcissist president and selfish greedy union members.  Between now and the election you will hear of a lot of reports of friction between Obama and the unions. Don't believe them!
