Friday, June 17, 2011

Red Herring Alert: MSM Praises Bachmann

The MSM has done something very interesting. This week they have come out with praise for Michelle Bachmann and her debate performance. Usually the left constantly attacks Bachmann. So what's going on?

The left is convinced that Michelle Bachmann cannot win a presidential election. Some of the other male right wing debaters can win a national election. The red herring is to praise Bachmann as much as possible to get more supporters for her so she might be the GOP or Tea Party candidate, and then she will lose to her male Democrat opponent.

A number of left MSM, including ultra-partisan Chris Mathews, who doesn't pee unless it's authorized by the political left, have come out praising Bachmann. These praises are the equivalent of  crocodile tears. Watch out for red herrings from the left. They are desparate and willing to do anything to retain the Senate and POTUS.