Wednesday, June 1, 2011

On Hot Air: What Hollywood Really Thinks About Conservatives, TV Executives Admit in Taped Interviews That Hollywood Pushes a Liberal Agenda

Confirms what we all already knew for decades about the MSM. Confirms what conservatives have complained about for decades. Confirms the impact of MSM on social values and policies.
Confirms the intentional nature of the bias of the MSM.
Confirms the massive scope of the MSM deception to manipulate the American people.

The same people who control MSM are the ones trying to get Fox news and conservative talk radio off the air anyway possible. MSM are infuriated that Fox news and all Fox shows and time slots  consistently having more viewers than the MSM. Identifies the liberal social issues and values that are preferred by the MSM. Identifying the conservative social issues and values that are ignored or attacked by the MSM.
