Monday, June 27, 2011

Muslims Create Hate, Rules, and Laws like a Tyrannical Facsist Regime.

how they teach their children

always threaten, always terrorize

Hezbollah learned from Nazi's

Islamic fascists
I Have Been Made Victorious Through Terror 
                                                    - Mohammad

The history's fascists have nothing on the Muslims. The Muslims have proven themselves to the most hateful, bigoted, violent, fascist regime to ever live on this Earth. They kill non-Muslims at will and then deny it or say a small group of extremists did it. They refuse the building of churches, burn down houses of christians, won't let Jews, bibles, crosses, or crucifixes on plane flights to Saudi Arabia.

Hey why not reduce our terrorist risk by not letting Muslims fly to the U.S?

Don't let mosques be built in America until there are churches, temples, and synagogues built in Saudi Arabia?

Absolute power corrupts absolutely. Saudi Arabia is the center of hatred, violent, arrogance, intolerance, without free speech, without free press, without free media, disregard for all human rights, oppression of women, and source of an Islamic cult that thinks it is a religion.

Cults focus on enemies they need to destroy.
Religions focus on improving the values, morals, and tolerance of the flock.

Cults are paranoid of anyone not in the cult.
Religions welcome new friends and accept diversity in people.

Cults promote ultra-violence to terrorize the enemy they obsess about.
Religion promotes peace and understanding.

Cults practice brainwashing and intimidation.
Religions practice and promote free discussion, free speech and free thought.

Cults believe they have no peers.
Religions accept and respect alternative spiritual theocracy.

Cults are the instigators of war and destruction.
Religions are the providers of sanctuary and peace.

Never turn your back on the member of a cult.
Never lose you faith in the member of a religion.

Thou shalt murder when needed for the cult.
Thou shalt not murder for the religion.

The holy book of a cult is hate speech against non-cult members.
The holy book of a religion is morality plays, religious history, and accounts of the divine.

Cults call for the death of non-cultists
Religion calls for the death of no one.