Saturday, June 25, 2011

McCain May Have Been Right On Arizona Fires?

No McCain was right on Arizona fires. There's proof!

Do you want proof that the monument fire started in Mexico?

Check out "Fire-Gate: Hidden camera video shows a link between smugglers and the Arizona wildfires" on Arizona Tea Party Network                        

This is a Mexican National caused tragedy that is becoming known as FireGate. Amusing names aside, this fire has destroyed over 250,000 acres of natural desert and rich fertile pine forests. Hundreds and probably thousands of homes have been burned to the ground, wildlife fried in the inferno, and almost nothing left of much of Arizona and New Mexico. Why? Either accidentally or intentionally makes no difference. The cause of the fire was Mexican Nationals, probably smugglers or drug dealers, on the Mexico side of the border and there is ample evidence to prove it. So what size bill do you want to send to Mexico to pay for the cleanup and recovery from this disaster?