Wednesday, June 22, 2011

Definition of Insanity: Senate Dems Want New Stimulus Spending in Deficit Reduction Plan

Definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.
Earth to Dems!
Earth to Dems!

Tax increases and new stimulus plans will make the recovery slower not faster. The nation has tried the way of the bleeding heart democrat and look where it got us. Unable to pay our bills or borrow money to pay our bills. In the government sector we've let excessive salaries and excessive public union benefits destroy the economy of our nation. And still we are in a constant battle with the selfish greedy union entitlements. Mismanaged Medicare, Medicaid, and Social Security fills out the whole sad picture.

We are the government. We can do anything. Let's disband all public unions and work with the employees directly on their compensation issues. Public unions should not have been allowed in the first place. Government employees should be extorting money from the government by threatening strikes, work slowdowns, or sickouts. Any union member that participates in these work reduction threats, should immediately be fired by the federal government.
