Monday, June 6, 2011

The dangers of bone-headed beliefs, The "Bone-Heads" Are Looking For Proof

Arrogant schemers is what man made global warming supporters are. I have an idea. Can somebody prove global warming is man made. Not say it's man made, not write it's man made, but PROVE it's man made.

This guy is making the same outlandish predictions that global warmers were making a decade ago. Yet not one of their doom and gloom predictions of catastrophic "end of days" has ever come true. Not even close to true. They grasp now on recent tornado's to say "see we told you so", when most scientists consider the main cause to be La Nina weather forces. 

This lunatic wants to tattoo non-believers of man made global warming.
Hitler would be so proud. They attack non-believers for not believing because the supporters of global warming are crazed lunatics without any proof. Now here's another crazed lunatic believer who wants to tattoo label someone "who has not been convinced of man made global warming". I don't know if global warming is man made, and I won't know until someone proves it!

Instead of screaming like a lunatic and threatening bodily harm to non-believers..........prove it. If you can't prove it than what you have is an unproven theory...sort of like evolution, which still hasn't been proven.

Note0: If It's So Obvious As You Say Then Prove Man Made Global Warming! 

Note1: if you want to win friends and influence people perhaps you should stop childish personal attacks and antagonistic insults, and  point the reader to your proof.

Note2: Climate change did not stop in 1998. Climate change never stops because there are always temperatures and weather conditions changing. In 1998 some decreasing temperature trends were identified. Longer and colder winters were common in the decade after 1998.

Note3: If scientists had any credibility on the topic, they lost it when IPPC Climategate raised awareness of less than accurate and unverifiable non-scientific methods. IPCC is the one that lost all scientists credibility.
