Thursday, June 16, 2011

Boeing union case tests vulnerable Democrats

A company like Boeing has every right to open any manufacturing site it wants to anywhere. Unions don't have a say in a site that is non-union and in a right to work state.

Democrats that pander to unions are wrong.
Unions are wrong. 
NLRB is wrong.

All these union supporters are destroying America with their fascist position that everyone has to do what the unions say. The other day unions protested a Special Olympics Event. So exactly what did the Special Olympics do wrong? People are tired of the old union thug mentality. Industries that are flourishing are non-union. Businesses that are unionized are struggling.  Unions destroy good companies by confiscating profits and redirect ingthem to excessive union entitlements. With Democrats and NLRB to help them there is no limit to how many industries in America they can destroy.

Unions have collectively bargained themselves right out of work by being so selfish and greedy. The arrogance and selfishness of unions is destroying business and the unions. Most Americans consider the unions a problem and not an advantage. The "closed shop nepotism" and "overreaching control" of the union bosses and workers is an obstacle to fairness and productivity. The most skilled doesn't get the job. The one who knows the most union members gets the job.
