Thursday, June 23, 2011

Big Media Suicide Compact

Rather than developing a more balanced non-partisan approach to hard news presentation. The MSM have all made a suicide compact to go out in a blaze of liberal progressive glory. Rather than report based on their nationwide audience demographics, they pander to the liberal progressive partisan elites that populate the large cities of Democratic mindsets. Common sense says that people are moving away from the "big democratic" states because of taxes and regulation which means more conservative states are gaining voters.

I love it when I hear a staunch big city Democrat move to a conservative rural state and say "Hey, It's great here. Why didn't anyone tells us about this?" . That's because the MSM will never admit reality of life in smaller states is better. 

Everyday the liberal progressive MSM losses audience, and the big mean more balanced Fox News gains audience. The MSM is letting this happen by ignoring the growth of the conservative majority and decline of the liberal progressive minority. Pretty soon they'll be broadcasting to an audience of one.
