Sunday, June 26, 2011

Baseless Name Calling By The Left Continues: NYT Columnist: 'Middle Places' Home of 'Low-Sloping Foreheads', WaPo Reporter: Bachmann is 'Barbie with Fangs'

The baseless name calling continues from our "sophisticated elite left journalists". I was unaware that there was an infinite number of ways to call somebody stupid. There is. Obviously the "sophisticated elite left journalists" plans to use every baseless one of them. All the MSM can do is call conservative candidates names. They certainly can't discuss the accomplishments of Obama. He has none.

Exceptional journalism coming from the MSM?  Never.

I never understood why the liberal progressive bastions of elitist  Democrats continue the constant "stupid" name calling. Then I realized the portrayal of all non-urban Americans are always portrayed in movies, situation comedies, and drama's as Neanderthal cretins from the low end of the gene pool. It is a self fulfilling prophecy. See, I said they were stupid. Look at that southern character see, he's stupid. The brainwashing of America. The entire campaign cycle strategy of the left is to call the right "stupid". Great plan guys. Very impressive.

Now WaPo reporter calls Bachmann "Barbie with Fangs". What the hell does that even mean? It's juvenile 7th grade teasing and name calling. Can't you at least try to attack her policies and views. At least then we could see how little you know about her policies and views.

By the way: isn't "low sloping forehead" an insult to people with down syndrome? I think it is.
