Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Team Palin’s Preemptive War on Tell-All Book

These days, with all the money being offered, tell-all authors come out of the woodwork to inform the American voter of their truth about a candidate. Yeah, Right. The truth. I guess on some level of existence what they say is the truth because they might actually believe it is. Just cause they believe it's true still doesn't make it the truth. All expect all the Palin tell-all books will be useful for starting logs in the fireplace. I find no other use for them.

I like and respect Sarah. One simple example that shows her character. She is constantly receiving death threats, and never complains about it. That shows courage, strength in conviction, and a hands-on attitude to do what needs to be done. She is not easily intimidated which seems to be a requirement now for all political offices. If Democrats got this many death threats they would resign from the race being the wimps that they are.

I know why Sarah is moving her family to Arizona. Her and the whole family voted on where to move and unanimously everybody selected "someplace that never gets cold!".

I would vote for Sarah for any office she wanted to run for. I am a solid supporter that believes her principles, values, strength, and courage are just what politics needs today.

source: http://nation.foxnews.com/culture/2011/05/23/team-palin-s-preemptive-war-tell-all-book