Sunday, May 15, 2011

Schools arrange secret abortions?

Amazing but true. Abortions were obtained for minors without parental  knowledge or approval. I guess parents can't be trusted or allowed to raise their own kids. 

But liberal, progressive, socialist, elitist teachers or counselors, who might have no children of their own, can do what ever they please with someone else's child and then they claim the privacy of the student is why the family or parents were not notified. 

Shouldn't the right to life of the fetus be taken into consideration? Shouldn't the religious, political, and personal beliefs of the family be taken into consideration?

They can't reveal the girls pregnancy to her parents or anyone and, then the school goes and sets up an abortion, takes her to the abortion, and then brings her back to school without any parental notification. No one but the parent has these rights. Since when do students have to follow the political agenda of school officials. Being a teacher or counselor does not give someone the right to determine the life or death of someone else's family without the permission of that family.

This is one of the most outrageous situations I have ever heard about the intrusion of schools into family life. All teachers and counselors involved with the approval for abortions should be immediately terminated and charged with appropriate violations of law. Specifically custodial and parental interference, kidnapping for the trip to and from the abortion clinic without parental approval,  and an illegal medical treatment on a minor for the abortion. The school should also be sued by the families of these girls that were given abortions without parental involvement. Essentially these counselors and teachers kidnapped a minor to "murder" a new family member without permission of the family.

The majority of American still believe abortion is murder and they don't care what the teachers or counselors think!
