Monday, May 30, 2011

PR Guru: Arnold Schwarzenegger ‘Will Not Be Back’

Sleaze Bag!
When he bccame Gov. of California as a Republican, most said he should be a Democrat and adjust to his wife's heritage and family.

Well Arnold has proved with his outrageous, sleazy, womanizing, horn dog behavior, he fits right in with the Kennedy womanizing legends John, Robert, and Ted. He really is a Democrat at heart.

My condolences to Maria. She does not deserve to be betrayed like this. I hope she takes him to the industrial cleaners big time in the divorce.

I agree not only will Arnold not be back, but most people will avoid him if he tries to. He could always get one of those reality shows. Maybe "Who's the biggest slut, Arnold or the women of the Jersey Shore"? That might be some quality entertainment.
