Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Napolitano Sics Investigators on Border Patrol for Profiling Muslims

This is Napolitano at her worst. The enemy is not those unknown persons sneaking into our country, but it is the Border Guards who try to control immigration that are the problem.  So let's go ahead and welcome all illegal immigrants into our country. Even Muslims that might be terrorists. According to American law, anyone who enters our country illegally should expect to be stopped and questioned whether Muslim or Hispanic or whatever race.

Napolitano is the Director of Homeland Security, and so far she has done everything in her power to reduce the level of homeland security. She has done nothing to improve homeland security.

source: http://nation.foxnews.com/janet-napolitano/2011/05/17/napolitano-sics-investigators-border-patrol-profiling-muslims