Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Arizona-Mexican Border Immigrant Trash, They Don't Respect America?, Same As Liberal Progressive Demonstrators In Washington D.C., Tea Partiers Show responsible OCD?

Arizona Mexican Border

estimate 3000 back packs dumped

progressive post-demonstration trash

progressive post-demonstration trash

progressive post-demonstration trash

progressive post-demonstration trash

progressive post-demonstration trash
following Obama Inauguration
Arizona-Mexican Border

Washington D.C. after 9/12 Tea Party Demonstrations
For those who say that illegal immigrants are not negatively impacting America. Besides serious violent crime all over the country we also have the disrespect of trash and garbage from immigrants illegally entering our country. Above are pictures of the Arizona Mexican border, after liberal progressive One Nation Washington D.C.Demonstration, and after 9/12 Tea Party Washington D.C. demonstration. America the beautiful? Sometimes.