Monday, May 30, 2011

Larry Flynt: Hollywood’s Free Speech Folk Hero Attacks Down Syndrome Baby

From his comments about Trig Palin I assume Larry is a Nazi Master Race Eugenics Supporter. Larry you aren't so perfect. Maybe some day they will say don't let red headed boys be born. The problem with all eugenics is that you need a fixed definition of who is allowed to be born, and who is not allowed to be born. Rarely will you get everyone to agree on these groups.

"Nailin' Palin" is the mark of a desperation for relevance,  misogynist, womanizing, anti-feminist who still believes pornography is really art. Hey, Larry, most of the attention and sympathy you get is only because you got shot and are now stuck in a wheelchair. No wheelchair? No one would even know your name.
