Monday, May 23, 2011

Internal pollsters warned GOP: Ryan’s budget could prove extremely unpopular

It's time for the adults to start accepting the financial reality that spending cuts will increase, and entitlements will decrease. These are the only alternatives. Taxes should not be raised as this will have a negative impact on the economy. So raising taxes is out. All citizens must sacrifice for the good of the country. The goal of any economy reform plan is to try and make modifications so that all demographic groups are impacted about the same. If we are all making sacrifices then we are all doing what's best for the country. It's a fine line to walk to make impacts similar for all groups, but government has a responsibility to be as fair as possible. There is no room for personal selfish and greedy opposition to the proposed cuts. Through this long process, if we do it right, everyone will be similarly impacted for the good of the country. We all must tighten our belts a little and use our resources more efficiently.

The budget reforms cannot be a popularity contest. The yardstick is not popularity but what reforms will help the long term economic projections the most. In every proposal some citizens are going to be hit a little harder than others. Buy over the long term everyone will be hit. Complaining about Medicare cuts is a lose-lose battle. If we don't cut some of Medicare to make it more sustainable, then there won't be any Medicare for anyone. Pay me now or really pay me later. 

There is no problem that cannot be solved if all the citizens come together to make it happen. It's time for Americans to do what they do best. Work together to fix a common problem. If we all participate and work together there is no problem we can't solve.
