Saturday, May 14, 2011

Demagoguery A Two Way Street

Some Observations On The Presidency of Barrack Hussein Obama: 

His actions betray his rhetoric
His cliche' speeches are empty words
His socialist unionist amnesty agenda angers most voters
His divisive class warfare disgusts most voters
His leadership is non-existent
His disdain for America is undeniable
His respect for Islam is undeserved
His dislike for Christianity is unexplainable
His czars reveal the radical activism of a community organizer
His mocks GOP caricatures of moats and alligators demands others to stop using caricatures
He has broken every campaign promise, every single one.
He has broken promises to fix problems (immigrate, Gitmo, civil trials terrorists, jobs, border )
He has trashed talked America to the world on his global tours
He blames America first for everything
He thinks we deserved to be attacked on 9/11
He thinks credit for Bin Laden capture is his (kick, scream16 hours for him to decide go, no go)
He has a loyalty to public unions that borders on obsession
He has disloyalty to American voter population than borders on paranoia
He has an enemies list which he uses everyday
He has an friends list which he uses everyday
He is a Chicago thug politician (friends,enemies list, bribery, coercion, union violence)
He is a strictly partisan POTUS and all decisions are based on partisan politics
He is not representing the America people, he represents American Democrats only
He deceives and tries to manipulate the Black voters
He deceives and tries to manipulate the Hispanic voters
He deceives and tries to manipulate the White voters
He used bribes to get Obamacare passed Congress, knew majority of Americans didn't want it
He is clueless on Afghanistan, Iraq, and Libya
He is clueless on North Korea and Iran
He is clueless about all the violent demonstrations in the middle east
He is a useful idiot for Islam
He is a useful idiot for socialism
He is a useful idiot for Marxism 
He made ignorantracist remarks about the DC Police Department
He had a  beer summit to cover his racist remarks and attack on the DC Police Department
He makes decision based on race (see the NBP poll Intimidation incident) 
He panders to Hispanics promising amnesty
He panders to Blacks promising entitlements
He insults rural America by saying they bitterly cling to god and guns out of anger
He never insults urban America
He insults Hispanics with his non-support of the DOMA Act. 70% of Hispanics support DOMA
He insults Blacks with his non-support of the DOMA Act. 60% of blacks support DOMA
He's done more to destroy jobs than create jobs
He is anti-military as he threatens to stop military paychecks as part of cost reduction
He is always pro-union for public workers
He doesn't take border security seriously and doesn't know what the fuss is about 
He denies that dangerous gang and Mexican drug cartels are entering our country
He denies that thousands of violent criminal illegal immigrants are sneaking into our country 
He refuses to address the anchor baby abuse caused by illegal immigrants
He rams Obamacare through Congress and grants over 1000 waivers to cronies and friends 
He accepted a Nobel Peace Prize for nothing, should have refused to accept.
His support in all demographics groups has declined from first day of presidency
He press secretaries wrestle semantically with the press instead of answering questions
His appointments to positions are partisan agenda based, not based on skills for position
He believes national anthem doesn't require him to cover his heart. He has never said why.
He should not wear American flag pins because he is a patriot and doesn't need to show it
He attended Chicago church for 20 years Sundays, since taking office hasn't attended regularly
Bill Ayers has written "The Dreams of my Father", Obama has not refuted the statement.
He seems deaf to the opinions and needs of the majority of everyday Americans
He doesn't seem to know or understand the American people
He supports ACORN, a corrupt civic organization, that has multiple convicitions for illegal  acts
He supports SEIU, president Andy Stein who has met Obama more that any other person
He supports the AFL-CIO. President Trumka is good friend of Obama.
He supports Planned Parenthood's 1.3 million abortions each year.
He supports NOW and it's pro-abortion social engineering and eugenics policies.
