Sunday, May 29, 2011

Dem Reps Introduce Resolution Demanding Government 'Counter Anti-Muslim Sentiment'

Dem. Rep. Conyers
More appeasement of Muslims? For decades now Muslims have been blowing up innocent men, women, and children. These victims are both Muslims and non-Muslims. In Iraq, Islamic extremists killed more Muslims than non-Muslims.

If you want to counter anti-Muslim sentiment tell the Muslims to stop killing people in the name of Allah.

If a Muslim believes that the words in the Koran are the words of God, spoken to Mohammad, by the archangel Gabriel, and the words of god must be obeyed, then there is no such thing as a moderate Muslim.

If 12 KKK members burn a cross, 2 guys burn it, and 10 guys watch them burn it. All 12 members of KKK are responsible for the burning of the cross. Just because some stood around and did nothing does not make them exempt from responsibility nor does it make them moderates.

If some Muslims attack non-Muslims and many Muslims stand around watching or knew it would happen. Then all those Muslims are responsible for the Muslim attack.

A good way to find out if a Muslim is an extremist or not is as follows:
  • have you submitted to Islam and the Koran?
  • do you believe the Koran are the words of Allah?
  • do you believe what is written in the Koran?
  • do you believe non-Muslims are the enemy of Islam?
  • do you practice taqiyya when interacting with non-Muslims?
  • do you agree with violence as a tool to spread Islam?
  • would you execute a violent act of Jihad if selected by your Imam to do so?
  • would you support or prefer Sharia Law over American Law?
  • if you heard of an impending attack would you keep it a secret from authorities?
Ask these questions of a Muslim. If the Muslim answers yes to any of these questions than he should be considered a potential extremist Muslim and not a moderate Muslim. I believe that there is no practicing Muslim who can answer no to any of these questions. Which means all Muslims are extremist by definition of Islam, and if they are practicing Islam as their religion they are potentially dangerous.
