Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Bozell: After Advising Obama, CNN's Zakaria Must Recuse Himself From Covering Foreign Policy

The cozy relationship of Obama and the MSM is too close for comfort. There is no credibility, independence, or non-partisan reporting in the MSM or in CNN. If you'll notice the MSM is 24 hours per day Usama Death. That's because they have nothing else positive to report about Obama. Obama has started his campaign and to put it politely he misleads, misinforms, lies, and deceives voters during his speeches. In El Paso he actually stated that he has solved El Paso's immigration problems. He did absolutely nothing to help solve the immigration problem and Texans know it. Their amazed at his poor grasp of reality.

Fareed Zakaria has created another reason to not trust him.

source: http://www.cnsnews.com/news/article/bozell-its-hypocritical-cnn-allow-zakari