Friday, May 6, 2011

Bogus CCN Polls Try To Influence Conservative Voters

I don't listen to CNN or any other polls, ever. This poll is designed to help the Democrats convince conservatives that Ron Paul is the most popular conservative and the only Republican that can beat Obama. Ron Paul is probably the least likely Republican to beat Obama. Their trying to muddy the water, and confuse conservatives to support guaranteed right-wing extremist losers. They're doing the same type of polls about Trump. He's listed as the number one contender. Trump has less chance than Ross Perrot, Ralph Nader, or Jerry Brown of winning anything, and Trump is not conservative enough for the right leaning American people.

They conduct polls that Sarah Palin is unelectable. They give intentionally misleading, inaccurate, and partisan reporting designed to marginalize the conservative movement. Unfortunately for them the conservative Tea Party movement is doing just fine, and getting stronger everyday, with strong candidates with values like Sara Palin.

All's fair in love, war, and politics! Never listen to polls, they are all fixed to get the results they want.
