Friday, April 1, 2011

WI Judge Offers Third Version Of Pro-Union TRO

"Now says the budget reform act is not in effect".
Judge Maryann Sumi is a classic case of elitism gone nuts. She, on her third version, is trying to keep her union son, friends, and husband from losing benefits they never deserved in the first place. The people decided, they passed the bill in the WI legislator. This TRO is just a delay tactic to prevent WI law from going into effect. 

 Her family has been sucking the union entitlement teet dry for years. How about we let the voters decide? List all benefits and entitlements your family members have and the voters will determine whether it is excessive or not. This is blatant abuse of power by a judge for her own personal benefits and gain. Since her family members are unionized that should recuse her from ruling on this case.
