Monday, April 11, 2011

This Will Be The Fight Of Our Lives!

Wake Up America. A real viable and violent religious jihad has begun with Islam. Note I don't call it radical Islam. It's just Islam because there's no such thing as a Muslim who believes only parts of the Koran. Every Muslim believes the Koran in it's entirety because these are the words of God.  All Muslims believe the Koran is the sacred word of God, and must be followed and obeyed. The Koran teaches hatred for non-Muslims, and encourages, celebrates war against non-Muslims. It is a Muslims duty to fight for Islam.

It's scary. These Muslims are so devoted and defined by the Koran that it's like 1,000,000 Manchurian Candidates revved up and ready to go. The U.S. needs to restrict access to American soil to avoid a Middle East invasion. 

The barbarians are at the gate, and the progressive useful idiots are welcoming them in, and serving coffee. There is no if and no when, they already started attacking us decades ago. They do believe in a death by 1,000 cuts. It will just get worse and worse until Americans do what needs to be done. Don't trust, don't collaborate, be prepared for lots of deportations, and then the real battle will start from the Muslims already in this country. Muslims are taught to hate and desire to kill all non-Muslims who refuse to become Muslims. Pretty soon American citizens will need to be trained to hate and kill Muslims. We don't make the rules, we play by the rules of the game already in play.

This link is to another book about the coming world war with Islam.If anyone tells you that the Muslims are not our enemy, that person is either lying to confuse non-Muslims or doesn't know what he is talking about. Islam has one single goal. Islamic domination of the whole world. If it comes this century or next century really doesn't matter much as long as the destination is reached.