Love science, love scientists. They keep our culture moving forward with knowledge. But of some note is the following. These scientists are using a huge multi-billion dollar Large Hadron Collider at Cern. The scientific tests seem to be limited to the smashing of an atomic structure into another atomic structure and see what particles fall out that can be tracked and analyzed. Sort of a quantum physics Mexican pinata birthday party bashing to see what little goodies will fall into their hands, or a giant pinball machine with flashing lights and sound effects following the path of a silver ball into another silver ball focusing on the score. Is this the most scientific, exacting, transparent, and reproducible way to gather atomic structure information about microscopic atomic particles? It must be so. These physicists and scientists must know what there doing. I guess calling it the "god particle" is a somewhat sarcastic way of assigning importance to specific atomic collision results. I wish someone would let me know why they decided to call it the "god particle".