Thursday, April 14, 2011

The Presidential Divider Obama's toxic speech and even worse plan for deficits and debt.

Bipartisan is not a political policy that Obama's subscribes too. He is convinced that everything is wrong from the other party and has to be stopped, and everything is right from his party and needs to be supported. Financial policies cross all parties. all boundaries, and goes to the heart of the matter. How much are Americans willing to sacrifice to recover from this fiscal disaster? This is not a game of chess between left and right. It is  a game of survival between all Americans and the loser and winners will be the American voters . If the correct decisions are made they will be winners,  and if the wrong decisions are made we will all be losers. These financial issues have nothing to with right or left. Has more to do with taking the responsibility for programs that are wasting taxpayers money. Programs that don't produce, departments that accomplish nothing, Agencies who's product has no value for Americans, or it is a duplication of another agency and having both makes no sense. It is an attempt to downside government, and there will plenty of layoffs and it will be painful for a while.
