Thursday, April 28, 2011

Obama Talks to Eva Longoria and Rosario Dawson About Border Security but Not Arizona Governor?

Rosario Dawson

Eva Longoria
Jan Brewer left off guest lists for all immigration meetings at the White House
So the POTUS is serious about immigration reform? Who does he select to talk to him at the Whitehouse about it? Not Jan Brewer Governor of Arizona who was actually snubbed by Obama, but he invites Eva Longoria and Rosario Dawson. Two top of their field experts on the subject of immigration. Can anyone take this POTUS seriously ? Is he trolling for a hot date or tackling immigration?

No I'll bet he is pulling a childish temper tantrum because Brewer has her own ideas that don't agree with his. Obama, sampling only opinions that already agree with his. Now that's his definition of real consensus!
