Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Obama Admin Suing Arizona Again...and South Dakota

points the finger of blame at everyone but liberal democrats and union bosses

non-union is the majority of hardworking Americans

Liberals....always blaming anybody else

Obama's Admin is a trojan horse full of socialist czars, union bosses, and progressive useful idiots.

a blimp of Obama rhetoric hot air

rodents among giants

what we all wanted to do?

tax and and spend

Obama...all rhetoric, no values

union boss Neanderthal

 bribery the Chicago way?
in the unions pocket forever

This pro-Union Obama Administration is trying to force card check on all states. What card check is is a federal law that mandates that union officials can at anytime request to see your union card. You have to show it if you have one, or state you don't you don't have it. This is done publicly so if you have a card your already in the union, and if you don't your classified as anti-union by every union member who works at your facility. Unions use to handle all union votes with secret ballot. Now they want to allow non-union members to be attacked by union members. Arizona and South Dakota want a secret ballot so that employess who don't want to be in the union can do so without possible payback and harassment from union members.
