Monday, April 4, 2011

Napolitano: Our Safest Communities Are On The Border?, Holder: Blames Congress For Civilian Courts?

I usually discuss the facts and stay away from name calling. But sometimes facts are incomplete to express how I really feel. DHS Director Janet Napolitano must think we are all idiots. She says the border communities are the safest? What the border is now self-healing? She does nothing and the border states magically get better by themselves?

I am sorry to say but this Director is a complete idiot, and a complete liar. She is the perfect matching bookend for Eric Holder's ignorance and lack of credibility.

Eric Holder today blamed Congress because the terrorism cases were not able to be tried in civilian courts. Hey Holder, Bozo, the reason the cases were moved back out of civilian courts to military tribunals was that the rules of evidence in civilian courts were not able to allow the evidence from our intelligence agencies. The problem of no warrants approved by a judge. Most of the evidence will be thrown out just like that terror case in civilian court where a terrorist was charged with 284 crimes. He was found guilty of 1 because of the rules of evidence.
