Sunday, April 3, 2011

Media Matters: Misinformation is Opinions They Don't Agree With, Provider Has A New Definition Too

From the dictionary: misinformation is false or inaccurate information esp. that which is deliberately intended to deceive

From the dictionary: provider is a person or thing that provides something

Media Matters has redefined the word "misinformation". Perhaps Media Matters should publish it's own dictionary so we all can learn the true meaning of what they are reporting. The actual definition of misinformation does not match Media Matters definition at all and has a completely different meaning.

So on Media Matters it turns out that when they say Fox News provides "misinformation" they are actually saying that "Fox News is presenting an opinion that is different than our opinion".

If someone says they provide breast cancer screening it means that they directly provide the needed mammogram equipment for use in screening patients for breast cancer.

Media Matters has a problem with the word "provider" when it comes to Planned Parenthood breast cancer screening. Provider means to directly provide a service, In fact Planned Parenthood does not directly provide a service but in fact dispenses funds so that someone else will provide the service.

So when Planned Parenthood says they "provide breast cancer screening" they mean they dispense funds so that patients can go elsewhere to get breast cancer screening. This issue came up when Planned Parenthood claimed they provided breast cancer screening but it was found that they did not have any mammogram equipment at any of their sites. So they covered the lie by saying they give patients the money to get a breast cancer screen, but they don't actually provide it themselves.

Are so-called news outlets allowed to redefine the English language without informing their viewers/readers. If they change the definition of a word they should be required to openly state the definition of that word before using it.
