Thursday, April 7, 2011

Koran Is Not Holier Than The Bible, Both Are The Words Of God Written Down By Men

Making things up to support their actions. Once again Muslim exceptionalism is claiming that somehow the Koran was the word of god and the bible were just stories made up by men. Just like the Koran was written down by Mohammad(?) from the words of allah being said by the Archangel Gabriel, the bible has numerous writers documenting the words of god from Moses, Abraham, and Jesus. The Koran is not more holy than any other religion's holy book. The Ten Commandments are the word of god.

In most religions it is OK to believe your religion, and let others believe what religion they want to believe. That is not true in Islam. Not only are you suppose to believe Islam as your religion, but anyone who is not a Muslim should convert to Islam, serve as a second class citizen as a Dhimmi, or killed. That makes Islam kind of like the "Godfather" religion. Believe what we say or your going to get "whacked".

Mohammad is just another prophet like Abraham, Moses, and Jesus.

Time Magazine editor seems to believe burning Koran worse than burning Bible?
