Sunday, April 24, 2011

Napolitano Can't Account for 10 Libyans She Caught and Released Inside U.S.

Napolitano micro-manages her department according to the pro-amnesty agenda dictated by Obama and Holder. Most of her departments management of the illegal immigrant population is "catch and release". These people are too stupid to realize how much they are hurting America and the majority of taxpayers. Obama is drooling to register all the "undocumented Democrats". We'll register criminals, pedophiles, rapists, drug dealers, vehicular homicides, DWI's, and murderers. We can let the details sort themselves out later as we put the majority of American's in harm's way at home. Soon we will look like Northern Mexico's Ciudad Juarez, the most dangerous city in the world. Thanks to Liberal Progressive Democrats lack of concern for the security of America, and the desire to grow the Democratic Party registration numbers at the expense of the American people.
