Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Burn Bible OK, Burn Koran Not OK, Who's Holy Book Is Holier, Where Is The Hand Of Man

It's OK to burn a bible because it is a book written by man? It is not OK to burn a Koran because the Koran is "directly the word of God spoken by Archangel Gabriel to Mohammad"? Who wrote down the first Koran? Does this mean we are seeing Muslim exceptionalism where Muslims are more important and closer god than anyone else?

Oh the old "my holy book is holier than your holy book". Now that's an argument that could go on forever. If the Koran is the sacred words of God then that means that every Muslim must believe every word of the Koran. That also means that every Muslim agrees with all the suras that attack non-Muslims and advocate violence. It means that all Muslims are radicalized because all Muslims must believe the most radical, violent,  and extreme suras in the Koran. They have to believe it, it is the word of god.

The bible has portions which are the direct words of god and portions narrated and written down by men. So it should be an insult to burn the bible because some words are the direct words of god. The ten commandments are the direct words of god. The ten commandments are tablets written directly by the hand of god. The Koran is copied text from other copied text over the centuries. Man does physically write down the Koran.
