Monday, April 11, 2011

Freedon Of Religion? Or Hostile Take Over?

Does freedom of religion mean all religions? Even those whose intent is to destroy, harm and kill our social and religious society and traditions. You see in Islam there is only room for Islam. Other religions are not permitted, must be destroyed, and can no longer exist. No religion will escape the Islamification of America.

The long term goal is to produce as many Muslims babies as possible in Europe and in America. Keep growing the Muslim percentage of the population as quickly as possible. The percentage of the population is the key to their hostile takeover.

Our country is based on basic human rights like the freedom of religion. This approach works well with religions that are peaceful and do not teach hate and violence. Islam is a religion that only teaches hate and violence.

How in America can we allow a religion to flourish if the intent of that religion is the elimination of all other religions and the elimination of our civil government itself by any means possible. Islam is both a religion and a civil government. No such thing as separation of church and state.

Now I believe the fact that Islam is a religion and a civil government makes Islam a very special classification of religion. It is a religion by definition, by implementation, and it's malevolence has classified this religion as a national security risk because of it's civil components. 

The goal of Islam is to dominate America and the world. They have already started the invasion, what have we done so far to stop them?

So how do we who support freedom of religion come to terms with this problem. Think about it because these issues will continue to come up over the next few years. Islam is small enough now that the proper government actions can impede their success, but the final play will come when we wait too long and there are more Muslims than non-Muslims in our country. At that moment American Government no longer exists, and Islam and Sharia will be the law of the land. With a little luck I will be dead before Sharia comes into effect.