Thursday, March 31, 2011

Union Thuggery: Not Winning Friends and Not Influencing People

Well the Union thugs are at it again. Now union representatives are showing up at small non-union business and demanding that those small business state their support or lack of support for the union. If the small business says they'll support the union, a small sign is placed in the window indicating that this business is a union supporter. If the small non-union business doesn't want to support the union, the union representatives, also known as thugs, are left at the business to drive away business, essentially causing a default boycott of that business. Most customers won't even try entering the business for fear of retribution by the union thugs.

This aggressive action by the unions must be against the law. They are essentially extorting the business to support the unions even though they are non-union. They are trespassing on private property and preventing uninvolved customers from entering a small business. That small business has the right to not be forced to support unions and that small business has the right for it customers to have unimpeded access to the small business. These small business are being attack so the union gains some advantage, not sure what advantage it is. But I know the union is not winning friends and not influencing people. All they are doing is making more union enemies. What right the union thinks it has to pressure and extort small business that have nothing to do with unions. I believe they have no right and the police should run off those who impede entry to a small business. But who knows, maybe the Police union will support these union thugs and honor the union impediment to the small business. Either way the unions are apparently desperate to intimidate someone. "Why? Cause that's what unions do, intimidate"
