Wednesday, March 23, 2011

The Liberal Progressive Dems. Create Hearings For Muslim Rights

In response to Peter King's Hearings on the Radicalization of Islam, appeaser Senate Dems. are holding hearings about Muslim's rights. Now that's interesting. With the way Christians are constantly attacked in this country through every MSM media outlet, when are we going to have hearings on Christian rights. These Muslim rights hearings are just another case of "useful idiots for Islam". Dem. Senator Richard J. Durbin of Illinois says there has been a spike in anti-Muslim bigotry in the last year that demands closer attention. He states that "Our Constitution protects the free exercise of religion for all Americans."

Obviously Senator Durbin has not read the Koran. Otherwise he would know that Muslims do not agree with the free exercise of religion for all Americans. They only recognize religious freedom for Muslims! Islam is incompatible with the freedoms, rights, and liberties this country provides for its citizens. Islam has no desire for tolerance with other religions. Islam states, teaches, and insists on hatred and violence toward all non-Muslims and encourages violence. Example: "kill the non-believers wherever you find them".
