Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Judge Case Law Includes Ecclesiastical Islamic Law?

No judge should have the right to pick and choose the laws from around the world that he will use. He should only use American Law precedents based on our constitution. Progressive judges cannot appease Muslims by using their laws. They are in America and subject to American laws. Whats next? Are we going to use VooDoo law because one of the defendants in a case is from Haiti and practices VooDoo.

source: http://www.tampabay.com/news/courts/civil/article1158818.ece

In America use American Law precedents!
Judges don't get to decide which country and/or religious laws they want to support!
This is an insult to the American Judicial System and needs to be stopped immediately!
This is just plain ignorance and incompetence on the part of the Judge!
This is what I am afraid of, creeping Islam getting a better foothold everyday!