Wednesday, March 9, 2011

Islam is Peace and Tolerance? 13 Christians killed, 4000 Muslims attack Christian homes, in Egypt, etc. etc. etc.

Islam is the religion of peace and tolerance? Islam is not tolerant, is not peaceful, and in fact has esteemed members who are violent murderers. In Egypt 13 Christians were killed by Muslims during the recent uprising. These murderers are not stigmatized by Imams and mosque elders for their brutal crimes, but rather their local mosque holds them in high esteem for their Jihad actions. In addition to the Islamic extremist stories below, in Egypt last week a church was burnt down by demonstrating Muslims.

Here is the link to the full 13 deaths in Tahrir square story:

Here is a link to the 4000 Muslims attack Christians homes: 

Eqyptian Army Attacks Christian Monastery: 

Palestinian Murders Israeli Family of 7:

Jewish couple and three children killed in West Bank: 

Gaza Celebrates Jewish Family and Three Children Killed:,7340,L-4041106,00.html