Monday, March 28, 2011

Ex-NYU Prof.Nir Rosen, Mocked Lara Logan Attacks, Gets Top Appointment To London University

Ex-NYU professor Nir Rosen mocked Lara Logan not believing what happened to her in Tahrir Square. He later resigned from NYU for what he said. Now he returns getting appointed to a top spot at London University. Our sympathies and best wishes go out to Lara Logan. We all hope she is recovering from the terrible ordeal she was put through by Muslim men. FYI: not one arrest was made from the Lara Logan attack. Egyptian soldiers knew the attackers but never pressed any charges. Guess thats an example of Muslim persecution of women.

 Is it me or is everyone way too forgiving and apologetic for Muslims. Its about time that adult Muslims are held to the same standards of behavior as everyone else. If they want to live as radical Muslims only following the Koran then go back to the country they came from. If you are going to live in the west you better start learning what is acceptable behavior in the west, and what is not acceptable behavior in the west.
