Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Too Much Intellect at Madison Protest?

Here we see another stunning example of the stupidity of the progressive left public union teachers. Looks like a 2nd grader wrote this protest sign. The sign doesn't even make sense. He says "I can't" tell the difference and then says "if you can't, you must be in a coma". Doesn't that mean he's in a coma ?

Do they actually think this helps their greedy cause for getting more money than non-union working taxpayers.

Do they think this encourages the non-union working taxpayer to pay for unions retirement, health care, and excessive salaries? 

The non-union working taxpayer doesn't have these perks and payouts. 

They have nowhere near the salaries and entitlements of union workers, but yet they currently pay for those entitlements for the union workers.