Thursday, February 10, 2011

Pinky And The Brain: Let's Try Muslim Brotherhood Plan To Take Over The World

Pinky: Gosh Brain the last plan failed. What are we gonna do? We keep failing!

 Brain: We're doing it the wrong way. Lets follow a plan that is working. The Muslim Brotherhood is the answer. Their the meanest, nastiest, most deceptive, and the most successful at trying to take over the world!

Brain: See Pinky we must change our approach to take over the world. We need to model a plan to be like the Muslim Brotherhood approach. Violence when needed, deception when appropriate, strick Sharia Laws for all, no collaboration with infidels, no freedom or education for women, no other religions allowed, Islam is both religious and civil law, and while taking over countries always deceptively complain how Muslims are being abused, mistreated, and misunderstood, and how Muslims are really peaceful and tolerant of the West. Provide a duality in public relations policy. One false benign and peaceful information outlet (English website) for the western audience, and one truthful radical and inflammatory (Farci website) for the eastern audience. We fool those stupid Westerners, and at the same time stoke the fires of Islamic revolution.

Pinky: Hey Brain do I get to wear one of those cool Arab Taqiyah caps?

Brain: Sure Pinky, and you can wear an embroidered Salwar Kameez too?