Sunday, January 9, 2011

Support To The Family of Rep. Gabrielle Giffords and Others Slain or Injured 

In this tragic event there is only sadness and sympathy I can provide to the families of the slain and injured. This was needless insanity that angers everyone.

One related topic is the amount of media coverage of the shooter. If a mentally ill person wants to see their name in lights, just shoot somebody and your name and face will be known from New York to California. The media coverage could attract even more shooters.

I would like to suggest that the media changes the way it handles these tragic events, When these type of events happen I suggest that media only refers to the shooter as "the shooter" and the shooter's face and name is never displayed on the screen. Information about the shooter can be discussed but in a generic way so that nobody knows who the shooter is. Hopefully, this might discourage some shooters from looking for their 15 minutes of fame.