Saturday, December 11, 2010

'I'd like to double her entendre" - My Incoherent Rants

" See its funny when I drop my pants....took me 2 weeks to come up with that comic material. I love to strip down to my bikini whenever possible so everyone can see my beautiful plastic surgery body and face."

"I'd like to double her entendre!" This is a quote from The Todd on Scrubs. It's excellent because it demonstrates beautifully televisions inability or lack of desire to create realistic characters that are sensible, interesting, moral, traditional, well mannered, respectful, kind, sensitive, and community oriented. They currently present most show characters as ignorant, shallow, ammoral (anything goes), undefined family, rude, crude, lewd, and with a bad attitude. Somewhere comedy changed from honest laughter or smiling, to being completely obnoxious and offensive.

Comedians bully celebrities, bully organizations, bully private people, and attack those who disagree with their unwritten and unidentified liberal code of conduct. I guess all liberals have a special gene when they are born that defines their beliefs, rules, and acceptable behavior, and it evolves over time. You can find no list of beliefs and laws that liberals live by. It's all relative and always changing.

You know, so when it becomes chic to pull a "polanski", it's perfectly understood and accepted. Hey! remember thats not "rape-rape" according to Whoopi. Thats the direction its going in Europe. Sex with children laws are loosening instead of tightening. Groups like NAMBLA (North American Man/Boy Love Association)  claiming their constitutional rights in this country. Proudly originating in New York Çity in 1981 and providing a much needed public service? It saves a lot of uncomfortable moments when your trolling for underage sex partners in the general public.

"Law and Order"
dramas (all versions) are always pro-choice, anti-religion, anti-rural, promiscuous, liberal, progressive, and from the "big city".  

"Bones" is unusual as the anthropologist Bones constantly rants and raves against the stupidity of religion, but her FBI partner Booth is always lecturing her that she's being offensive and insensitive to religious people, and she should show a little more respect even if she disagrees. So there is at least a little balance.

I like "Cold Case". It  is an interesting police drama that is very well done. It is really not a bang bang shoot 'em up. As a matter of fact I can't remember ever seeing a gun fired on the show. It's much more close to reality. It's more cerebral. It has flashbacks and detectives trying to interview the same people 20-30 years later, as they try to solve a cold case. As the story unfolds it usually contains the main theme of how time and circumstances changes personalities and relationships. They've done a few on race relations in the 1940s-1950s compared with today, they were very well done. A good picture of how the unfairness was accepted by most people in the 1940s-1950s. I know they've done one on homosexuality with 1950s versus today. They did a good job of illustrating how back then you kept your mouth shut, because it was the police who were raiding and rousting gay night clubs. It was very well done and really gave you a feel of why gays today are so adamant about fairness.

Television has become a wasteland for our children. I was in the same room as my daughter we were watching one of their common cartoon shows. It took about 2 seconds for me to be totally shocked. Cartoon characters no longer have conversations. No, now they yell and scream insults at each other for 30 minutes straight. As I said above they are rude, crude, lewd, and with a bad attitude. This is where my daughter learns about the outside world. This is where she learns how to treat friends and new acquaintances in a social situation. Any complaints about the shows and the general public is told to just change the channel.

Hey I've got a suggestion for progressives, "If you don't like Pepsi, don't drink it." No their solution  is to try and legislate the illegalization of soft drinks and Happy Meals in San Francisco. Damn Fascists. But they're "lovable laughable 3 Stooges knucklehead kind of fascists". If Obamacare is not defeated, these same "knuckleheads" will be regulating your health choices too. OK, enough ranting, lets get back to television.

I am old at 54. But I remember when comedy was funny. When comedians could get you to smile and laugh without insulting anyone, and without resorting to only off color jokes or double entendre or just cursing. People (forgive me for leaving some out) like Charlie Chaplin, Henny Youngman, Bill Cosby, Abbot and Costello, Martin and Lewis, Lucille Ball, Marty Allen, John Belushi, Gilda Radner, Jack Benny, Milton Berle, Rodney Dangerfield, Carol Burnett, Dom Deluise, Laurel and Hardy, Bob Hope, Red Skelton, Danny Kaye, Ernie Kovacs, Marx Brothers, Steve Martin, Peter Cook and Dudley Moore, Gene Wilder, Monty Python, Robin Williams, George Lopez, and Tracy Ullman. Can't list them all but I am trying to show those with real comedic talents without being offensive.

Leading, until his demise, the offensive lineup is Andy Kaufman. In the 1970s he perfected the art of being unfunny and annoying to the audience at the same time. He was hailed as a new comical genuis, when in fact he was just obnoxious. Today we have these urban offensive comics or ex-comics whose act is to insult and attack or curse at people, Kathy Griffin, Wanda Sykes, Bill Maher, Rosie O'Donnell, Jeneane Garafalo, Roseanne Barr, Al Franken, Will Ferrell, Russel Brandt, Allen Stern, Lewis Black, Eddie Murphy, Richar Pryor,  Joy Behar, Keith Olberman, Jon Stewart, Stephen Colbert, Whoopi Goldberg, etc.

Thats not to say there still aren't naturally funny people around, my favorites are  Ellen DeGeneres, Tim Allen, Rowan Atkinson, Jeff Foxworthy, Bill Cosby, Drew Carey, Howie Mandel, Gilbert Godfrey, Victoria Jackson, George Lopez, and Tim Conway. These people just have to speak a couple of sentences and their talent and timing makes it immediately funny.

The situation comedies are an insult to the majority of Americans. 2 1/2 Men, for example, is not remotely funny, and Charlie Sheen gets paid 2 million per episode. Charlie Sheen is the poster boy for excessive womanizing, whoring, drugging, wife beating, and drinking, etc. That's who our children will look up to. Charlie gets in all this trouble but he is still a successful popular celebrity.

The show House is another example of liberal over achievement. Dr. House is glamorized as a pill-popping, doctor,  narcissist who doesn't have to follow the rules like everyone else, because he has so much more natural talent than the others. He is always sarcastically insulting people, how they think, what they think, how they look, and how rich they are. The true perfect portrayal of an "elitist liberal". If my doctor looked smashed like House does, and was playing the air guitar, I would look for another doctor.

And then there was the 2010 MTV Movie Awards show last night. I watched for about 5 minutes and that was enough for me. Every other word was f%ck, motherf%cker, and sh&t coupled with juvenile 8th grade humor. Will Ferrell, who is one of the most unfunny obnoxious comics in history, as he was hanging from the ceiling during a comedy act, yelled "Hey, cut me down, my testicles are getting numb". Wow, what a knee slapper that Will Ferrell. Another comic, don't know or care about his name, was talking about making the world green. In the middle of his talk he switched over to a repeated refrain of "F%ck BP" and provided demonstrative thrusting to highlight his point.

Humor is no longer being funny. Being offensive has replaced humor so all these second rate comics can "pose" like they are brand new cutting edge Lenny Bruce's as they spew their offensive "material".
Nobody is laughing at humor anymore. They are laughing at the pathetic comic's out of embarrassment for their overrated comic's offensive act.