Sunday, March 21, 2010

The Day The Democratic Party Died: March 21, 2010

On this day March 21 2010 the greatest corrupt voting travesty in American history came to pass an ill-conceived, poorly written, non-health care problem resolving, 2700 pages of new taxes, expansion of 32 million new patients with no increase in doctor/nurse/facility resources, cutting Medicare expenses by 500 million, mandating health insurance for all, elimination of pre-existing condition rejection (millions freed with new entitlements), sweetheart deals as bribery for specific votes (blatant vote buying corruption), in a health industry coup d'etat that has permitted the government to demonize, lecture, scold, and attack the insurance industry in order to socialize 20% of the nation's economy against the wishes of the majority of the general public, the majority of primary care physicians (42% say they will leave the profession if this bill passes), majority nursing professionals, majority of the insurance industry, the majority of pro-lifers, the majority of Medicare patients, the majority of Medicaid patients, majority of senior citizens, majority of the young who could care less about insurance during their healthy years, vast majority of republicans, majority of independents, substantial minority of Democrats, the majority of small business owners, and the majority of large companies.
What will this health-scare bill create ? Rising insurance premiums, too many patients for too little resources, long wait times for doctor/treatment appointments, and lower quality of care for all Americans as a new "health care empire" will be rationing care based on financial considerations instead of patient health quality. The effect of this bill is to effectively destroy the best healthcare system in the world. Many other solutions ( as listed for years by both democrats and republicans) existed to lower costs and improve quality without a socialist takeover and subsequent destruction of the health industry. The majority of American's wishes were ignored by a few arrogant, stupid, shallow, ignorant, lying, cheating thug democrat politicians, who think they know better the average Americans what is best for the country. Each yes vote for this bill will now become a target of shame, ridicule, outrage, and anger. Each yes vote for this bill will bring upon that politician a fury of public opinion, mobilization, and organization that will ensure that the careers of these democrat politicians is over.

THE DAY THE DEMOCRATIC PARTY DIED: MARCH 21, 2010 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!