
Sunday, May 5, 2013

The war on terror

Add in the Boston bombings, the butchery of the Assad regime, and the Benghazi attack and one still sees a war that will last for many years to come. America must not lose focus and let the forces of evil gain credibility and strength. The fight is in full swing and we must be more vigilant than ever to battle the forces of terrorism. On the domestic, global, and international fronts this war must be fought. Now is not the time to be hesitant or timid or politically correct. Islamist jihadism is the enemy and we need to properly identify our foes. The radical islamist is not a rational player. Their single-minded obsession with attacking the "west" wherever possible will be their undoing. The killing of innocents will never be a set of prniciples to base a culture on. It is time for resolve and determination to rule our actions.