
Thursday, June 2, 2011

Pamper and Pander to Minorities? California Bill Protects Cross-Dressers?, Dream Act Gives IllegalI Immigrants College Tuition Discount?, Not For Citizens?, Gay-only Softball League?, Fed Building Flies Gay Flag? Military Allows Muslims, Sikhs Beards?, Other Faiths Denied?, Illegal Immigrant and Identity Theft Not California Crimes?

should we reward those who commit crimes?

what if the trans-gender wanted to dress like this?

illegals have advantages citizens can't have?
So if I am a minority then I get treated special in terms of rules, laws, and costs. Treatment that majority citizens are not offered.

So If I am trans-gender, transvestite, or cross dresser I can where whatever I want to work while people in the majority  have to follow a dress code. It panders to only specific sexual segments  in the population.

So If I am an illegal immigrant and I want to go to college, then the Dream Act will make sure that at most I will pay in-state tuition for state schools instead of the much higher out-of-state tuition for state schools which the majority of American citizens will have to pay. It rewards illegal immigrants for breaking the law.

So If I am  gay softball player I can join a gay-only softball league. If I am a straight softball player I have no straight-only leagues because that would be discrimination against gays. At least this is what an educated liberal progressive elitist partisan political agenda judge has ruled. His law license should be revoked because he doesn't understand concepts of discrimination. Why are minorities getting more rules and laws in their favor that openly discriminate against non-minorities. These are just like the biased "affirmative action" policies.

So If I am a federal building, federal worker, or gay voter, I can fly the gay rainbow flag with the American flag in front of federal buildings. But no other organizations or religions can fly their own flag with the American flag in front of a federal building. Why are gays allowed?

If I am a soldier in the U.S. Military and I want to grow a beard, it's OK as long as I am a Muslim or a Sihk. Jews and Christians are not allowed to grow beards. Whomever  made that decision is an idiot.

what about the word discrimination don't these liberals understand?

If I am an illegal immigrant I can steal a citizen's identity, and no charges are filed for illegal status or identity theft. I can even sue my employer, Meg Whitman, for alleged mistreatment, while I worked for her as a live-in housekeeper for 2000-2009 for about $23.00 and hour. Not a single law enforcement agency came forward to arrest her for these violations of the law. But if a citizen commits identity theft punishment will be swift and harsh because identity theft is a serious crime. Or if an American citizen entered Mexico illegally they would be charged with breaking Mexico's immigration laws.
