
Friday, June 3, 2011

Rush Blasts Krauthammer on Palin?

Krauthammer and his GOP elitist friends better start accepting the fact the a Tea Party candidate can win the 2012 election with traditional GOP support. If a traditional GOP candidate is run, he/she will lose just like John McCain lost. 

Tea Party members are by nature conservative and they don't need to be fed a conservative platform, they already know what it is and what it's not. It's not what narcissist elitist traditional GOP says it is and is not their traditional GOP candidate either. 

GOP must work with the Tea Party movement which has energized conservative, independents, and even some liberals to expect more from our government and expect solutions to problems. If the GOP does not compromise and support the Tea Party and it's candidates then you will end up with a three party race. A three party race will be won by the Democrats because the conservative votes will be split. Give the Tea Party the support it deserves and chance to do what conservatives had wanted to do for a long time. Elect a team of eager politicians charged with solving our economic and financial problems. It's the Tea Partiers that are motivated to bring solutions to politics and Washington. The Tea Party is powerful. It won back the House with GOP control. Don't turn your back on them. You need each other to win.
